Rules for presentations

Basic rules for oral and poster presentations.

Poster Design Guidelines

You should print your poster before you came to the Conference, and bring it ready to expose.

 A poster should:

  • Attract attention;
  • Provide a clear overview of your work;
  • Provide enough material to explain the research without an oral explanation, and
  • provide enough material to initiate discussion and questions without overwhelming the audience.

See the typical supports we have:

You can use any format that fits these dimensions but we recommend the dimension A0, with a vertical disposition.

In other document you have a ppt template you can use, but the information to provide to the audience can be arranged with other dispositions, at your convenience.

Anyway, here are some more information’s that can guide you (similar to the ones used in TRB).

Keep content SIMPLE. A poster is a visual communication tool, not a manuscript. The viewer should be able to easily identify the primary concepts of the project without wading through a lot of text or complex formulas. Identify 3 or 4 main points or concepts to communicate. Present text in bullets or small chunks broken up by subheadings. Use at least 28–36 point bold sans serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica) for headers and 18–24-point font for text. Present information in columns. Arrange material in a logical sequence, from left top to bottom right. Three columns is a good target.
